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Values & Beliefs

1 - God

Belief: God is our Creator, the foundation and source of our identity.


- All of our trust is in Him because He takes off our weight and gives us back our dignity.

2 - Creativity & Curiousity

Art creates culture and unites humanity. To create means to be curious 


Curiosity questions and enlarges our boundaries while

artistic expression unites humanity, both allowing us to create a culture that then

can be enjoyed by many.

3 - Relationships & Unity

Everyone needs a community to belong to; a place to serve

and experience love. Unity brings peace and safety to any society.

4 - Marriage & Family

Healthy marriages strengthen both men and women and give

the foundation for a safe family environment, which then creates a strong society.

5 - Physical & Emotional Health

Long life is fueled by a strong, healthy body. Emotional

health guards our mind, treasures our memories and shapes our decisions,

values and beliefs.

6 - Joy & Work/Life Balance

Happiness is the natural energy of life and colors our world;

a healthy work-life balance creates space for restoration and reduces stress.

7 - Integrity & Identity

Our true character lies within the unseen, called integrity.

A healthy identity is essential for high self-confidence, trust and self-esteem.

8 - Innovation & Change

Innovation is crucial to achieve new results and if we don’t

value change, we will only get what we’ve already gotten before.

9 - Truth, Loyalty, Trust

Truth exposes lies and uncovers injustice, which is a breeding

ground for loyalty that results in trust.

10 - Purpose & Dreams

Our desires and dreams fuel our lives with purpose and

inspire us to be the best version of the ‘self’.

11 - Success & Wealth

Money is a characterless tool used to bless and invest in others

and creates the potential for success which then creates a lasting legacy.

12 - Convictions & Excellence

Emotions change, convictions stay and excellence

increases the chance to obtain better results.

Contact & Details

Congregation Beth Sarah is your community center.
Let us know what we can do for you.
Sun - Thu: 6am - 8pm
Fri: 5am - 8pm
Sat: 5am - 10pm

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